Top Five Best Hard Rock/Metal Tracks For Ukrainian Resistance

The unjust and unwanted war in Ukraine, perpetuated by Vladimir Putin is the biggest conflict Europe has seen since WWII. It’s a humanitarian crisis beyond description and a heart wrenching situation to witness. However, the resistance of the Ukrainian people has been unbelievably inspiring. Their moxy has united the Western world. And all of a sudden, pretty much the entire planet is united against Putin and his Russian regime. And hard rock/heavy metal is 100% in support of Ukraine and defending democracy. Here’s the top five metal/hard rock tracks to fight against Russia.

Queensryche – Revolution Calling (Operation: Mindcrime)

The opening track from ‘Operation: Mindcrime’ is a banger for getting amped to fight the good fight. It’s literally about a far right regime that’s taken over the world and an underground, liberal society who takes them out. ‘For a price I’d do about anything, except pull the trigger, for that I’d need a pretty good cause. Well Ukraine, you’ve got a pretty good cause. Even though the organization in the story gets carried away and become the bad guy in the end, the theme still stands in the opening songs of the record. Big guitars, slammin’ bass, massive drums and epic vocals. ‘Revolution Calling’ is a sure fire way to get justice rolling in the streets.

Rage Against the Machine – People of the Sun (Evil Empire)

The opening track of Rage’s eponymous second album is entirely perfect for the Ukrainian army. A drop down, kick ass rap/metal track that ramps up the people against oppression. Hip hop and metal have always been anti fascist. And R.A.T.M. was basically founded on that principle. They literally ‘rage against the machine.’ And there’s simply no more oppressive force currently on this planet than Vladimir Putin’s army of stooges. What’s cool about this song is that it’s about an oppressed demographic of people who weaponize and defend their principles. Which is basically what’s happening as the Ukrainian’s defend their homeland.

Testament – So Many Lies (The Ritual)

Founder and guitarist Alex Skolnick has been emphatic about Testament being anti-right wing fascist. As the rise of the movement grew in America recently, he became more and more vocal about it. Even as many of his peers caved into conservative, metal fan bases (cough cough, Dave Mustaine anyone?). Testament have remained true to their message. And 1992’s ten ton groove piece ‘So Many Lies’ applies perfectly to Vladimir Putin’s state run news media (even though it’s more about right wing preachers). It’s the only news channel in Russia. There’s is no independent media. And the lies that keep coming out of Pootin’s mouth aren’t challenged or censored. And they’re endless. Some are even promoted in American media. Specifically Fox News.

King’s X – Lost In Germany (King’s X)

This incredibly original track from rocks finest trio really hits the nail on the head. The riff is one of the catchiest of all time. The harmonies are timeless. And it’s totally about being a refugee. Well, at least in a metaphorical sense. The lyrics during the first verse are pertinent to what over three million Ukrainian’s are going through currently. ‘Moving, in a bus too close for comfort. Laughing, keep from crying out in anger. Praying, that I can make it through this night.’ Three quotes from the song that just hit the spot. That combined with elite musicianship, creative riffs and harmonies makes ‘Lost In Germany’ an obvious pick for this list.

Yes – Hold On (90125)

Let’s end this list on a little note of hope. The theme to this stellar Yes track from ’83 shines a little light on the Ukrainian people. It’s an uplifting statement of unity under the promise of a better day. Bad times don’t last forever. So all we can do as a collective is simply ‘hold on,’ fight for our freedoms and liberties and never give up. ‘Justice to the left and justice to the right. Hold on to what is yours. Sunshine, shine on you, see it through.’ I mean damn, that’s perfect. The inspiring chord progressions fit the narrative to a tee. The outro is simply hair raising. As is most Trevor Rabin era Yes. Sing it loud and continue to move forward.

So there they are, the first five in what will most likely be a series of tracks that should help the Ukrainian people see through these hard times. Hang in there and hold on. Fists up!!

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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