William DuVall Finds Own Voice With ”Til The Light Guides Me Home’

William DuVall is best know as the current voice to the heavy metal Seattle outfit Alice in Chains. As the band moved forward after the passing original singer Layne Staley, DuVall picked up the mantle of rhythm guitar and lead vocals.

He fits in well with Alice in Chains and he never really tries to copy what Layne Staley did on vocals. Sure, he yarls like any other alternative heavy rock vocalist. But he puts his own spin on what he contributes to his main musical outfit. Not only that, but he harmonizes perfectly with Jerry Cantrell on the studio material and the live shows. Seeing Alice in Chains at the Palladium was truly an experience. Cantrell and DuVall really sounded incredible together and never missed a note.

But now William DuVall is finding his own voice with his new solo single ”Til the Light Guides Me Home.’ Which sounds completely contrasting to an Alice in Chains song title. Not only that, but his voice sounds quite a bit different than what he does with Alice in Chains. Not nearly as dark, as the song that’s been released doesn’t call for it.

The track starts with a modern, pop, folk-like acoustic introduction. It actually resembles something along the lines of a quality John Mayer track. The entire song is acoustic and vocals only. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some interesting changes in the track. The bridge of the song is more reminiscent of classic Alice in Chains. Despite it’s lighter chorus and vs.. Overall, a strong, high quality track. And it’s unique. As DuVall is simply doing what he does. While his other project requires a different side of his voice.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at https://www.alexrox.com.

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