Record Store Day Postponed Indefinitely

More postponements regarding the music community once again. Now it looks like Covid-19 has come to effect record store day. The beloved music celebration day is usually somewhere during the second half of April. This year on the 18th. But it’s been pushed back to June 20th. Pending further developments.

Vinyl enthusiasts will just have to tough it out for a few more months. The bi-annual day, which also is acknowledged on black Friday, is an integral 12 hours to support record stores. Which are continuing to struggle more and more each day. With only their appeal of experience and customer service being the only draw to get customers. The good news is that it’s still on. The bad news is that the record stores are going to have to wait longer for their big income day. Record Store Day Officials released the following statement: ‘At the risk of stating the obvious, no one knows what things will look like in any given place over the next five weeks, but it is imperative that hard decisions for that time period need to be made right now, using current facts. There is no perfect solution. There is no easy answer. So, we’ve decided that, this year, our possible move is to change the date of Record Store Day to Saturday, June 20th. We think that this takes into consideration the recommendations of the many doctors and scientists lending their expertise to help in the Coronavirus pandemic, as well as the many other individuals at the World Health Organization, Center of Disease Control and other agencies tasked with the difficult job of getting us through this crisis.’

This virus has obviously effected everything in music from touring to record stores. And that costs jobs. That’s the real tragedy from all of this. It’s the jobs and economy that are going to get hit the most. And that’s where to real long term consequences might end up being. Everything from cashiers at record stores to light rig roadies to office officials to performers. Everything is put on hold. And so far there doesn’t seem to be an end to the possible butterfly effect.

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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